
Momordica cochinchinensis

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Momordica cochinchinensis为接受名
科属名称:Cucurbitaceae(葫芦科)  苦瓜属
形态描述:粗壮大藤本,长达15米,具块状根;全株近无毛或稍被短柔毛,节间偶有绒毛。叶柄粗壮,长5-10厘米,初时被稀疏的黄褐色柔毛,后变近无毛,在基部或中部有2-4个腺体;叶片卵状心形或宽卵状圆形,质稍硬,长、宽均10-20厘米,3-5中裂至深裂或不分裂,中间的裂片最大,倒卵形或长圆状披针形,长6-10 (-15) 厘米,宽3-6 (-9) 厘米,先端急尖或渐尖,有短尖头,边缘有波状小齿或稀近全缘,侧裂片较小,卵形或长圆状披针形,长3-7 (-11) 厘米,宽2-4 (-7) 厘米,基部心形,基部弯缺半圆形,深1.5-2厘米,宽2.5-3厘米,叶脉掌状。卷须颇粗壮,光滑无毛,不分歧。雌雄异株。雄花:单生于叶腋或有时3-4朵着生在极短的总状花序轴上,花梗粗壮,近无毛,长3-5厘米,若单生时花梗长6-12厘米,顶端生一大型苞片;苞片无梗,兜状,圆肾形,长3-5厘米,宽5-8厘米,顶端微缺,全缘,有缘毛,基部稍凹陷,两面被短柔毛,内面稍粗糙;花萼筒漏斗状,裂片宽披针形或长圆形,长12-20毫米,宽6-8毫米,先端渐尖或急尖,有短柔毛;花冠黄色,裂片卵状长圆形,长5-6厘米,宽2-3厘米,先端急尖或渐尖,基部有齿状黄色腺体,腺体密被长柔毛,外面两枚稍大,内面3枚稍小,基部有黑斑;雄蕊3,2枚2室,1枚1室,药室1回折曲。雌花:单生于叶腋,花梗长5-10厘米,近中部生一苞片;苞片兜状,长、宽均为2毫米;花冠、花萼同雄花;子房卵状长圆形,长约1厘米,密生刺状毛。果实卵球形,顶端有1短喙,基部近圆,长达12-15厘米,成熟时红色,肉质,密生长3-4毫米的具刺尖的突起。种子多数,卵形或方形,干后黑褐色,长26-28毫米,宽18-20毫米,厚5-6毫米,边缘有齿,两面稍拱起,具雕纹。花期6-8月,果期8-10月。
1 安徽植物志,v3 515  BHL中国
2 贵州植物志,v7 681  BHL中国
3 海南植物志,v1 473  BHL中国
4 河南植物志,v3 543  BHL中国
5 江西植物志,v2 633  BHL中国
6 秦岭植物志,v1(5) 103  BHL中国
7 四川植物志,v10 111  BHL中国
8 中国植物志,v73(1) 192  BHL中国
9 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 457  BHL全球
10 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 412  BHL全球
11 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 459  BHL全球
12 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 446  BHL全球
13 The Philippine journal of science. v.12 (1917) 1917 242  BHL全球
14 The Philippine journal of science. v.9 (1914) 1914 419  BHL全球
15 The Philippine journal of science. v.9 (1914) 1914 430  BHL全球
16 The Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany. v.23 (1886-1888) 1886-88 315  BHL全球
17 Nomenclator botanicus, seu, Synonymia plantarum universalis :enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita /autore Ernesto Theoph. Steudel, E. G. von 1840 167  BHL全球
18 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 204  BHL全球
19 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 554  BHL全球
20 Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China, 1914-1918 /herausgegeben von Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti ; unter mitarbeit von Viktor Brotherus ... [et al.]. v.7 pt.1-3 1929 684  BHL全球
21 Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China, 1914-1918 /herausgegeben von Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti ; unter mitarbeit von Viktor Brotherus ... [et al.]. v.7 pt.4-5 1936 1064  BHL全球
22 Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China, 1914-1918 /herausgegeben von Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti ; unter mitarbeit von Viktor Brotherus ... [et al.]. v.7 pt.4-5 1936 1419  BHL全球
23 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam : or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical survey of the Government of Formosa / By B. H 2 34  BHL全球
24 L'Année biologique. 12 (1907) 559  BHL全球
25 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 35, Abt. 3 (1907) 详情  BHL全球
26 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 23, Abt. 2 (1895) 363  BHL全球
27 Species Blancoanae :a critical revision of the Philippine species of plants described by Blanco and by Llanos /by E.D. Merrill. 1918 371  BHL全球
28 Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products / by Berthold Laufer -- v.15:no.3(1919) 448  BHL全球
29 Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products / by Berthold Laufer -- v.15:no.3(1919) 619  BHL全球
30 Inventory of seeds and plants imported / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. 62-73, 1923-1924 88  BHL全球
31 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 48, Abt. 2 (1920) 261  BHL全球
32 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 48, Abt. 2 (1920) 519  BHL全球
33 Agricultural news. 18, 1919 详情  BHL全球
34 Botanical abstracts. 9-10, 1918-1922 BHL全球
35 Botanical abstracts. 5-6. 1920-1921 114  BHL全球
36 Botanical abstracts. 5-6. 1920-1921 285  BHL全球
37 Botanical abstracts. 5-6. 1920-1921 298  BHL全球
38 Gartenflora. Index 41-50 1892-1901 71  BHL全球
39 Gartenflora. 44, 1895 680  BHL全球
40 Die Gartenwelt. 15, 1911 18  BHL全球
41 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 9, Abt. 2 (1882) 1882 936  BHL全球
42 The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku kiyo. Rika. v. 22 (1906) 1906 159  BHL全球
43 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1920 1920 BHL全球
44 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1920 1920 BHL全球
45 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1920 1920 BHL全球
46 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1920 1920 12  BHL全球
47 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1920 1920 382  BHL全球
48 A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine Islands / by Elmer D. Merrill. 1903 39  BHL全球
49 The flora of the Malay Peninsula. By Henry N. Ridley, with illus. by J. Hutchinson. v.1 1922-25. 848  BHL全球
50 The flora of the presidency of Bombay / By Theodore Cooke. v.1 1903-08. 详情  BHL全球
51 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1917 1917 186  BHL全球
52 Botanical publications of E.D. Merrill. v.11 1899- 583  BHL全球
53 Bulletin of miscellaneous information /Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1918 1918 34  BHL全球
54 Index plantarum Japonicarum, sive, Enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu, et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus Ja auctore J. Matsumura. v.2 pt.2 611  BHL全球
55 De nuttige planten van Nederlandsch-Indië, tevens synthetische catalogus der verzamelingen van het Museum voor Technische- en Handelsbotanie te Buitenzorg, door K. Heyne. d.4 1913 228  BHL全球
56 De nuttige planten van Nederlandsch-Indië, tevens synthetische catalogus der verzamelingen van het Museum voor Technische- en Handelsbotanie te Buitenzorg, door K. Heyne. d.4 1913 详情  BHL全球
57 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 307  BHL全球
58 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.2 1920-1921. 233  BHL全球
59 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.2 1920-1921. 376  BHL全球
60 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.2 1920-1921. 409  BHL全球
61 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 160  BHL全球
62 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 242  BHL全球
63 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 260  BHL全球
64 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 294  BHL全球
65 Minor products of Philippine forests. v.3 1920-1921. 301  BHL全球
66 Pamphlets on silviculture. 13 622  BHL全球
67 Icones plantarum Formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram Formosanam; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the Island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa. 02 34  BHL全球
68 The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Ed. by George Nicholson. Assisted by Professor J. W. H. Trail and J. Garrett. 2 377  BHL全球
69 Flora of the Presidency of Madras / by J.S. Gamble. 1 532  BHL全球
70 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical survey of the Government of Formosa. By B. Hay 2 34  BHL全球
71 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical survey of the Government of Formosa. By B. Hay 2 154  BHL全球
72 Chinese materia medica. extensively revised from F. Porter Smith's work by G. A. Stuart. 11  BHL全球
73 Chinese materia medica. extensively revised from F. Porter Smith's work by G. A. Stuart. 265  BHL全球
74 A bibliographic enumeration of Bornean plants, by E. D. Merrill. 583  BHL全球
75 Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products / by Berthold Laufer -- v.15:no.3(1919) 448  BHL全球
76 Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products / by Berthold Laufer -- v.15:no.3(1919) 619  BHL全球
77 The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects. ser.3 v.30 1901 293  BHL全球
78 The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects. ser.3 v.68 1920 280  BHL全球
79 The Garden : an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches. v.46 1894 384  BHL全球
80 The Garden : an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches. v.60 1901 317  BHL全球
81 The Garden : an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches. v.54 1898 详情  BHL全球
82 The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. v. 11 (1897-1898) 640  BHL全球
83 Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine / publiée sous la direction de H. Lecomte ; rédacteur F. Gagnepain. t.2 1907-1951. 1068  BHL全球
84 Cooperative economic insect report. v. 25 (July-Dec. 1975) Incomplete 919  BHL全球
土家药】地同子(de tongzi):种子治癞癣,皮肤痒疹,痈疽肿毒《土家药》。
资源志】根、叶:苦、甘,温。散结,消肿,解毒。用于疮疡肿毒,乳痈,瘰疬,痔漏,疥癣,秃疮。 种子:苦、微甘,温。有毒。散结消肿。用于脓肿,乳痈,头癣,痔疮。